Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Scientific method Free Essays
string(118) " for this reason that a research will be conducted to find out if there are customer services at College of Medicine\." They yet forget another important component which is also supposed to be ffered by the libraries if they are to sustain and increase their membership. This important component is customer care. According to Jamier L. We will write a custom essay sample on Scientific method or any similar topic only for you Order Now Scott (2002), from Wikipedia defines customer care service as a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction ââ¬â that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. Thus the customer should feel at home when he or she is in the library and should leave while they are contented that they have really been assisted. Customer care is the watchword in both private and public sectors as e move into the service age of 21st century (De Saez, 2002:126). The client is firmly at the centre of missions and strategic policies. Libraries and information services must demonstrate this constantly and consistently if they are to succeed. The need to feel that one is respected is vital to an individualââ¬â¢s concept of self. De Saez (2002:66) argues that a welcoming atmosphere can be created by staff well trained in customer care. This means that I ibrary statt should be knowledgeable in customer care and should see to it that they maintain welcoming environment at all times. Library ustomers or users should be welcomed warmly. De Saez (2002:75) further suggests that however, all library employees be encouraged to recognise their very real role as salespeople for the organisation. Their role will be to make a customer care a high- level priority, presenting a professional face at all times to establish and develop good public relations. Kotlerâ⬠¦ et al (2008: n. ) says that todays companies are going beyond designing strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them. Companies are now using customer relations management to retain customers nd build profitable, long-term relationship with them. Likewise libraries should use customer relations management, customer care inclusive, to retain their customers or attract new members or users. Once a customer is mistreated and disappointed, he would not want to come back and will definitely be discouraging others from coming to the library sighting his experience of mistreatment as an example. Library staffs need to be nice to their users if they are to continue patronizing the libraries. Rice (1997:17) also argues that if you do not care for your customers you will surely go ut of business. The customer will definitely go where they feel that they are welcomed. This implies that in case of a library they will shun coming to the library and prefer other information sources like the internet where they will not meet hostility. So if people do not come to the library then the library will be dysfunctional. Therefore it is as well very important nowadays, like in any other business institutions for librarians to observe customer care in libraries. 1. 2 Background College of Medicine (COM) is one of the five constituent colleges of University of Malawi. Other colleges are the Polytechnic in Blantyre, Chancellor College in Zomba, Bunda College of Agriculture in Lilongwe and Kamuzu College of Nursing with campuses in Lilongwe and Blantyre. COM was established in 1991 and enrolled returning students from abroad. Before the College was established, medical students were being sent to Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom. With the establishments of College of Medicine, the country is now training its own doctors locally. The studentsââ¬â¢ mode of enrollment is in two phases. The first group is that of premedical students. This refers to O-level students. They study A-level science subjects like mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics. After successful completion, they are enrolled for five years in the medical course. The other group is that of students with A-level science subjects obtained from Chancellor College, Kamuzu Academy or any other high school. These students are enrolled straight into the first year of medical course for five years. COM like any other institution of higher learning has a library at its campus. It is situated along Mahatma Ghandi road. For the first ten years, the library operated from the Polytechnic library complex until October 2000 when it moved to its present location (Mangumbi, 2006:1-2). The library is relatively small and a new and bigger one is under construction which is expected to be occupied by the end of the year 2010. The mission of the library is to support teaching, learning and research activities for the college by providing up-to-date information resources and promoting effective usage of library facilities. The community that the college of medicine serves is composed of the following. All academic, academic related and administration staff; All registered students ot the college tor the entire duration ot their study; Members f University of Malawi; All college of Medicine members of staff; Visiting lectures, research fellows and other visitors; Interns and other medical personnel and external paid up members. The COM library offers various services to its clientele. These are lending services (long loan and short loan), Reference services, Malawiana and interlibrary services Just to mention a few. In its holding the library also offers electronic resources like e-books and subscribes to online Journals through the Malawi Library and Information Consortium (MALICO), WHO and INASP. The collection includes CD-ROMs and DVDs hich are also lent to people. (College of Medicine 2009 Prospectus) 1. 3 Statement of the problem Although a library may provide a number of services to its clientele it is very important to serve these customers with courtesy and satisfy their needs in a friendly environment. No matter how well stocked the library may be, if it has hostile staff and environment then members will not be attracted to the resources. They will definitely shun the library and opt for other information sources. Not only that, with information overload such as that available through the internet, some people may ot hesitate to stop patronizing the library if they feel are being ill treated at the library. It is for this reason that a research will be conducted to find out if there are customer services at College of Medicine. You read "Scientific method" in category "Papers" The research will find out how clients are being treated if they come to the library. If they have a query, how are they assisted? Are they treated warmly and with courtesy? 1. Aim of the Research The research aims at finding out if the customer care services are available at College of Medicine Library. 1. 5 Specific Research Objectives 1. To find out the customer care services at College of Medicine Library 2. To find out if library staff are always friendly 3. To find out if library staff are eager to assist library users. 4. To find out user satisfaction, 5. To find out how library staff treat customers. 6. To find out if queries are solved peacefully and amicably. 1. 6 Research Questions 1 . How do library staffs welcome you in the library i. e are you greeted when you reach the counter? . Are they always willing and eager to assist when you need a special help at the counter or in the library in general? 3. How do you rate friendliness of staffs? 4. Which group of library staff is friendly? . Do you have any suggestion on how best the library can improve its customer care services? 1. 7 Significance of the Study The study will assist the library management to make recommendations in coming up with plans on how to improve the customer care services in order to retain its clientele and encourage those that are graduating to continue being members and patronize the library. Scope and Limitations Since the research will only focus on students, the findings will not reflect the real results that are on the ground. It would have been better if the research involved all ossible library members. Lack of enough time and money will also be a limiting factor to this research. 3. 0 METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a process whereby data is collected for the research project. It is simply a set of procedures and methods used to carry out a research. Macmillan and Schumacher (1997:n. ) define research methodology as a design whereby a researcher selects data collection instruments and uses analysis procedures to investigate specific research problems. On the other hand, research methodologies according to Powell and Connaway (2004:286-287) refer to strategies urrounding the use of multiple methods of data collection as required by different types of attempts to achieve higher degree of reliability and validity. This involves gathering the opinions of people on a particular topic. Neuman (2000:122) has divided methodology into categories thus quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative research stresses the experiences and meanings of phenomenon. While quantitative puts emphasis on the empirical exploration and explanation of phenomenon, where generalization from the sample to population is the goal (Newman Benz, 1998 n p). This research will use quantitative and qualitative methods to allow the researcher to get the in-depth information form students on how they are treated in the library. 3. 1 Research Method This basically is the specific method that is used in a research. Social sciences use various methods in research but the common one is survey method. Powell Connaway (2004:61) define research method as specific means of collecting data. One of the research methods used in social science is survey. Survey is the research strategy where one collects data from all or part of a population to assess the relative ncidence, distribution and interrelations of naturally occurring variables (Powell 2004:61). Aina and AJiferuke (2002:32) observe that a social survey research involves a systematic and comprehensive collection of information about the opinions, attitudes, feelings, beliefs and behavior of people. Therefore this research will use survey method as it is widely used in social sciences, and library and information science being one of them. It is also flexible because a wide range of data can be collected. 3. 2 Target Population According to Powell (2004:84) population is the total of all cases that conform to a re-specified criterion or set of criteria. He further states that the population is the aggregate of units to which one wishes to generalize the results of a research study. Since COM is still young, its population is not as big as its other sister colleges. It has the population of 585 students in its various programs. So this means that the population of this research will be based on the population of the college which is 585 students. The population of the students is presented in table below. Table 1: Population size for students COURSE NUMBER OF STUDENTS Premedical Students 160 Pharmacy Students 71 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS ) Students 298 Medical Laboratory Science 51 Total number of Students Source: College of Medicine library userââ¬â¢s register, May 2010 3. Sampling Methods Sample as defined by Lo Biondo-Wood and Haber (1998:250) is a portion or a subset of research population selected to participate in a study, representing the research population. Stratified simple random will be used to get the participants. In this method the population will be divided into strata. The population of students will be divided according to courses, levels of study, male and female and then selected randomly. The method is advantageous because it guarantees fair representation of different segments of population and biasness is minimized. 3. Sample Size Chowdhury (2008:83) defines sample as the sub-group of a population to be studied. Sample is a small amount of something or quantity or part of something to be used for study in a research. But Powell (2004:193) defines sample as a selection of units from the total population to be studied. Leedy and Ormrod (2005:207) argues that the larger the sample, the smaller the amount of sampling error. However, a larger sample does not guarantee good results if it is not well represented. The sample size of the students will be calculated at 20% to have a good representation. Table 2 below illustrates the sample size. Table 2: Sample size 32 Pharmacy students 14 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Students 59 Medical Laboratory Technology 10 Total number of students 115 3. 5 Research Instruments According to Aina (2004), data collection instruments are instruments used to collect data. Seaman (1991:42) defines data collection instruments as devices used to collect data such as questionnaires, tests, structured interview schedules and checklist. Questionnaires will be used to gather data trom participants tor this study. They have been chosen because they have an advantage of giving respondents an opportunity to respond at their convenient time. Not only that, but are also quick and simple method of reaching a large sample of people. The questionnaires will contain both open and closed ended questions so as to cater for both qualitative and quantitative techniques. 3. 6 Data Collection Procedures Data is information obtained during the course of investigation or study (Polit ; Hungler 1999:267). The questionnaires will be distributed to students who will be dvised not to write their names. The questionnaires will be self-administered by the researcher. 3. 7 Pre-Testing of Research Instruments To ensure reliability and validity, the questionnaires will be tested before distributing them to respondents. 3. 8 Ethical Consideration To ensure confidentiality, all questions will not bear names of the respondents. However, numbers will be assigned on each questionnaire for participants to remain anonymous. As Polit and Hungler (1999:132-134) advise that researchers need to exercise care that the rights of individuals and institutions are safeguarded. Permission will be sought from the College of Medicine Registrar to conduct the study. And also legal and ethical issues regarding this research will be observed. 3. 9 Data Analysis Data analysis is the technique used to interpret, organize and present data that has been collected. Powell (2004:53) defines data analysis as the process of analyzing the data gathered basically involves coding the responses or placing each item in the appropriate category tabulating the data and performing appropriate statistical computation. The data from questionnaires will be checked and processed using. How to cite Scientific method, Papers Scientific Method Free Essays Research Why arena the lights coming on? Part of the research In this step Involves going to he lamp on the side table in the hallway and attempting to turn it on as well as turning another light switch on to see if the lights will come on via either of these options. However, the lights remain off. So it is on to the next step ââ¬â hypothesis. We will write a custom essay sample on Scientific Method or any similar topic only for you Order Now Step 3: Hypothesis It is my theory that the lights are out in my apartment because the switch for the lights In the front portion of the apartment In the breaker box has been tripped to the ââ¬Å"offââ¬â¢ position. I need to test this hypothesis to see if it is true or false and I predict that my hypothesis will be true. The next step is experimentation. Step 4: Experimentation After feeling my way along the wall to the kitchen and locating the drawer with my tools, I open the drawer, feel for the flashlight, grab it and turn it on. Next, I must turn the first light switch to the ââ¬Å"onâ⬠position and then proceed to the breaker box In the laundry room. I open the breaker box door and locate the switch for hall lights and I can see that the switch is in the ââ¬Å"offââ¬â¢ position. I turn it on and the lights come on in the hall. Step 5: Conclusion Since the experiment proved the hypothesis to be true and the lights did indeed turn on once the breaker switch was turned on, no further experimentation needs to be one and no further revision of the hypothesis is needed. Therefore, the answer to the question ââ¬Å"why arenââ¬â¢t the lights coming on? â⬠Is that the switch In the breaker box was In the ââ¬Å"offâ⬠position. Scenario 2 After dinner and getting my son settled for bed, I get myself ready to log into the Kaplan website to post to the discussion boards. I power on my desktop computer and after walling for It to boot up, I click on the Internet icon. Instead of my Internet homepage, there Is an error message that the weapon could not open. Do not panics Do not throw the computer out the window. Instead, I remain calm and insult the scientific method. I remember the steps and begin. Step 1: Observation The weapon did not open upon clicking the internet icon. Closing and reopening a new window did not work either. A little more Investigative work Is needed to help determine a theory as to why an Internet weapon Is not opening on my desktop. So, Closing and reopening a new window did not work either. I look at the back of the computer and the power outlet and all the cords are plugged in and seem to be in their proper slots. I realize further research is necessary to determine the cause of the weapon failing to open. I check the network connections in the control panel menu of the computer and all connections are connected. The lights on the modem are blinking when they should be solidly lit. I am ready to state a hypothesis. Step 3: Hypothesis It is my theory that if an internet weapon will not open upon clicking the internet explorer icon, then it is because the modem is offline. The next step is experimentation. Step 4: Experimentation Powering the modem off and back on could prompt the modem to return to online status. However, the modem remains offline so I conclude that it is not the modem hat is the problem. I have to revise my hypothesis and develop a new experiment. Revised Hypothesis: An internet weapon will not open upon clicking the internet explorer icon because my internet service is unavailable. Revised Experiment: I contact Technical Support for my internet service provider and was informed that there is an internet outage in my area. Therefore, I can conclude my experiment. Each one is different but they are all correct. There are many aspects to science from biological, chemical and physical to geological, social and astronomical and that is not all of them. Science is all around us and in everything. It is the method in which we use to measure and evaluate our environment and surroundings (Truffle, peg. 4). In my environment, my little piece of this world, I have my son, an apartment and a vehicle, Just to name a few. Biological and medical science has taught doctors how to care for women during pregnancy and labor and delivery. Through these facets, I have my son. That is one impact. Physics and chemistry were combined in ways to make cement, plaster, shoetrees, roofing and windows. These elements strategically placed together create homes in which we depend on as helter. My apartment is the current home for me and my son so there is a second impact. Mechanics, engineering, chemistry and physics are all involved in the invention of the automobile which we depend on daily to transport us from home to work and back home and on to other activities and hot spots that we enjoy. I have a reliable vehicle so there is the third impact of science on my life. There is a fourth impact and it is one that has made it possible for me to live today and hope for consequences touched my life in a way that brought me to my knees. It was January 010 and I finally decided to have a persistent cough checked out at the urgent care clinic. I fully expected the doctor to tell me I had developed pneumonia from the three previous bouts of strep throat and influenza Just two months prior. To my dismay and shock, I was told a mass was seen next to my lung pressing up on the airway causing the cough and also protruding against my aorta, I was being admitted for surgery and lastly told to call some friends for support. Two days later, after a surgical biopsy had been performed, I was given the diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. A few weeks later chemotherapy and radiation treatments began. I finished all treatments by August 18, 2010 and have been given a clean bill of health. As I recalled that season in my life and where I am now, I could not help but question the invention and origins of the methods of treatment used to fight cancer. Who discovered chemotherapy? When was it discovered? How has it evolved and improved since its inception as a mode of cancer treatment? And how does it work to destroy cancer? Two scientists, Louis S. Goodman and Alfred Gillian, are credited with the discovery that mustard gas used in World War II was found to suppress retain cells in the body which soon led to scientists to using nitrogen mustard to suppress the division of malignant cells in lymphomas (History). Since its discovery and use in the original form of a gas, science has improved chemotherapy in ways such as liquid form for intravenous injection and pill form for oral intake. Also, there are now many types of chemotherapy drugs, each specific as to how they destroy malignant cells and which types of malignancy respond best to the drug. It is not just medical science that has impacted my life but also cosmetology and aesthetics s well. During and after treatment, my skin and hair changed and it was a different line of makeup and hair products that have helped me to regain confidence in my physical appearance. These products had to be of benefit for the issues I was facing from chemotherapy and radiation and thankfully, scientists listened to the needs of the population and sought after solutions. Before Hodgkin lymphoma, my day began by an alarm clock buzzing, a shower, preparing breakfast, styling my hair and applying makeup, and getting dressed. Once out the door, I got in my car, turned the notion to start the car, dropped my son off at school and headed to my Job. Some days I would stop for gas and maybe a coffee. At work, I used a computer to transmit emails, upload documents to an external website, word processing. Some phone calls were made both outgoing and incoming. At the end of the day, it was back to my car to head home. I would pick my son up from the aftershock sitter and make our way home. While he was doing homework, I was preparing dinner. After dinner and homework was completed, some nights we would watch a show from the DVD, while other nights we would play with his Logos, building elaborate sets. Since completing treatment, my day is pretty much the same with the addition of online classes which I now take and the addition of a medication regimen that I adhere to in the evenings. This medication is to tend to a side effect from the radiation I received which I will manage for the rest of my life. There are several aspects of science that interplay in my daily routine and activities including biology, chemistry, microbiology, pathology, automotive, electrical, social and physical. There are not any negative which were minor and resolved very shortly after its completion. And radiation to my Hess has caused my thyroid to work less efficiently than before and I will manage these side effects for the remainder of my life. How to cite Scientific Method, Papers Scientific method Free Essays Polling Paradise- Ecocide in New Zealand The documentary ââ¬Å"Polling Paradise- Ecocide In New Zealandâ⬠was produced by the Graff Boysââ¬â¢ to Inform New Sealantââ¬â¢s general public of the negative aspects and dangers of the use of 1080. Brothers Steve and Clyde Graff are attempting to display that 1080 use is bad and the reasons as to why they were ââ¬Å"concerned at the ever increasing use of 1080â⬠. The Graff brothers grew up around Tee aware National Park, exposed to an outdoor lifestyle and hunting from a young age. We will write a custom essay sample on Scientific method or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since, they have been reading a series of hunting and outdoor documentaries. As a result of their great hunting interest and background, the Graff brothers may be biased towards their views on 1080 use as it kills potential game, including deer and possum. The purpose of the information is therefore to convince the audience that 1080 is bad, and to showcase negative consequences of 1080. This personal agenda of the Graff boys Is presented to the public using examples of people with animals affected by 1080 as well as a variety of scientistââ¬â¢s and other farmerââ¬â¢s opinions. All of these sources hold animal views on 1080 use and reinforce a negative stance on the poison. Spectacles In the design and evaluation of scientific research, Dry. Quinn Whiting-Coffee presents the most important piece of biological information in the documentary which was originally found from a study in 2009. He stated that, ââ¬Å"New Zealand drops into its forests about keg of pure 1080 per year, enough to kill 20 million people on a per acre basis. This is 350 times more [1080] than Australia and 22000 times the rest of the world. â⬠The fact that this exhibits that 1080 is capable of killing this amount of people on its own results in the rethinking over the use of 1080 humans, because of our basic survival instincts. Furthermore, because of Dry. Q Whiting-Coffee being qualified In analyzing Information his results can be found valid and reliable, hence also unbiased. The piece of Information from Dry. Q Welting-Coffee relates New Sealantââ¬â¢s use of 1080 to the wider world enabling a fair comparison. The amount of 1080 he reveals to be dropped is proven to be reasonably valid, with statistics In scientist Alexis Mari Pietaââ¬â¢s report stating an average of 2000-keg of 1080 is dropped each year. Although, the way in which the Graff brothers have presented his information in the documentary has manipulated the way we understand it, so as we view it in a negative sense. They leave out information in ââ¬Å"Poisoning Paradise- Ecocide in New Zealandâ⬠that depicts positive aspects of the poison, including that it is being used to kill greatly unwanted pests. The claims made as to the amount of 1080 which is dropped In New Zealand each year can be seen as valid although the Graff brothers do not touch on what all of that keg of sassââ¬â¢s effects are, possibly exterminating any views that 1080 is positive In their documentary. The second most Important piece of biological Information displayed In the documentary was the account from Anthem Thomson, on viewing a doe die from 1080 poisoning. ââ¬ËThe most horrific death I have ever witnessed on any poor animal. â⬠This piece of information results in the manipulation of the use of 1080 opinions. We can confirm that this is a true depiction of what happens when they die from The World League for protection of animals who state, ââ¬Å"the animal suffers a prolonged and horrific death. â⬠Therefore this biological information is accurate, able to confirm it with different sources. With this biological information, the Graff brothers are able to misguide the public into formulating an unreliable conclusion that 1080 must be a horrific poison, which always results in deer being killed and should not be used. Hence, this biological information can be seen as biased as Anthem Thomson clearly is against 1080 use having had animals become susceptible to it and the Graff boys only depict one side of the story. They do not illustrate any points or evidence which is pro-1080, misguiding the public into being ineligible to form their own accurate conclusions on the matter. As a final point, although statistics displayed by the Graff brothers were able to be confirmed as accurate, they have not provided sufficient evidence to balance the negative and positive aspects of 1080. As the Graff boys deliver a biased documentary, where no advantages are displayed, the public is led to believe that the use 1080 is in no way beneficial. As a result of the facts portrayed by the Graff Boys in the documentary, the public is not able to determine correctly whether 1080 use is right or wrong. 2) An updated review of the toxicology and ichthyology of Sodium Fluorescent (1080) in relation to its use as a pest control tool in New Zealand The scientific Journal article, ââ¬Å"An updated review of the toxicology and ichthyology of Sodium Fluorescent (1080) in relation to its use as a pest control tool in New Zealandâ⬠was written by Charles Season, Arrow Miller and Shawn Gillie from the Faculty of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Department of Ecology, Lincoln University along with Arthur Firewater from the Department of Conservation. The review was written with the intended audience being the scientific community, in order to splay all benefits and detriments which the use of 1080 involves. As Season, Miller and Gillie are all qualified university scientists and researchers, they would hold an unbiased opinion on 1080, being interested in the research and not providing any preferred outcome. It is probable that being from the Department of Conservation, Firewater will be pro-1080 and therefore slightly biased, but in conjunction with the other authors the review will overall become unbiased, therefore valid and reliable. In addition, as it is a scientific Journal article, the review would have been peer reviewed and verified. Because of this we can assume that all facts provided are reliable and would have been cross-checked. The purpose of this review is to evaluate and analyses how effective 1080 is as a pest control tool in New Zealand and in doing so, to provide information on both the positive and negative aspects of 1080 use, from a neutral perspective. This is indicated in the conclusion of the review, reiterating the stance of the article, ââ¬Å"The benefits of 1080 use in conservation, pest control, and disease control need to be weighed alongside the risks of using 1080 and alternative techniques for pest control. The most important piece of biological information in the article states, ââ¬Å"Adverse effects of 1080 use are outweighed by ecosystem protection and the reduction of pest impacts on native species. â⬠This piece of information is the most important as it states as a scientific, unbiased and researched fact that possible negative effects of 1080 use, of which a controversial through the reduction of pests brought about by 1080. We can be certain that this statement is valid as it can also be found on the Forest and Bird New Sealantââ¬â¢s website in the 1080 facets. Forest and Bird NZ is a trusted, reliable organization, Hereford encouraging that this piece of biological information is valid. It states that ââ¬Å"Far more native birds are killed by possums, rats and stoats than by 1080â⬠, reinforcing the point made in the article that adverse effects of 1080 use, such as the possibility of birds eating the poison, are far outweighed by ecosystem protection and ultimately the reduction of animals such as possums, rats and stoats (pests). This biological statement allows the audience an input towards a decision on the use of 1080, as it is a valid and reliable declaration. The second most important piece of illogical information displayed was ââ¬Å"Considerable care must be taken when using 1080 to ensure that the risks of its use are outweighed by ecological benefits achieved. â⬠This is confirmed in a report from The Environmental Risk Management Authority, who concluded that the benefits of using 1080 clearly outweighed the risks, subject to strict controls. Therefore, we can be sure of the accuracy of this biological information and can confirm it as a reliable statement. This concluding statement emphasizes the scientific Journal articleââ¬â¢s neutral position on 1080 use, in that it is essential for negatives to be assessed according to the positives with the intention of then being able to make a Justified decision. It Juxtaposes the information presented in the review, which depicts the advantages and disadvantages of 1080 use with an unbiased opinion. Therefore, the scientific audience is able to reach a valid conclusion which they can be sure is without any bias and is accurate and reliable. The statistics and statements demonstrated in the article can be found to be legitimate, allowing the decision to be completed as to the usage of 1080. How to cite Scientific method, Papers
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