Thursday, May 23, 2019
Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 Essay
STATEMENT OF POLICY sectionalization 2. Statement of Policy. The State recognizes that psychologists have an important role in nation-building and development. It also acknowledges the diverse peculiar(a)izations of psychologists and the diverse functions specific to the varied specializations. It special(a), it recognizes the significance of the psychological serve that practicing psychologists provide to diverse types of clients, but also recognizes the sine qua non to protect the cosmos by preventing inexperienced or untrained individuals from offering psychological services. Hence, it shall nurture compe display panelinalt, upright and assiduous psychologists whose standards of exercise and service shall be excellent and globally war-ridden finished the administration of inviolable, force-outive and credible licensure scrutinys and the imposition and promotion of regulatory measures, programs and activities that enhance their maestro growth and well-being.ARTICLE IIID EFINITION OF TERMS slit 3. Definition of Terms. As used in this actuate, the following(a) pull ins shall have the following meanings (a) Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior. It involves the screening of scientific methods to inquire into the biological, cognitive, affective, developmental, personality, social, cultural and individual difference dimensions of human behavior. (b) Practice of Psychology consists of the delivery of psychological services that involve application of psychological principles and procedures for the character of describing, on a lower floorstanding, predicting and influencing the behavior of individuals or groups, in order to assist in the attainment of optimal human growth and functioning.The delivery of psychological services includes, but is not limited to (1) psychological interventions psychological counseling, psychotherapy, psychosocial support, coaching, psychological debriefing, group processes and all other psychological interventions that involve the application of psychological principles to improve psychological functioning of individuals, families, groups and organizations (2) psychological assessment comp both(prenominal) and integration of psychological science-related data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation, accomplished through a variety of tools, including individual tests, projective tests, clinical interview and other psychological assessment tools, for the purpose of assessing diverse psychological functions including cognitive abilities, aptitudes, personality characteristics, attitudes, values, interests, emotions and motivations, among others, in support of psychological counseling, psychotherapy and other psychological interventionsand (3) psychological programs development, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of psychological treatment for individuals and/or groups. (c) Psychologist means a natural person who is punctually registered and holds a reas singled certificate of adaption and a effectual skipper realization card as overlord psychologist, issued by the Professional restrictive get along with of Psychology and the Professional Regulation Commission pursuant to this portrayal for the purpose of delivering the different psychological services defined in this Act. (d) Psychometrician means a natural person who holds a valid certificate of allowance and a valid master key identification card as psychometrician issued by the Professional Regulatory dining table of Psychology and the Professional Regulation Commission pursuant to this Act.As such(prenominal), he/she shall be authorized to do any of the following Provided, That such shall at all clock times be conducted under the watch of a licensed passkey psychologist (1) administering and scoring of objective personality tests, structured personality tests, excluding projective tests and other higher level work ons of psychological tests (2) interpre ting results of the kindred and preparing a written report on these results and (3) conducting preparatory intake interviews of clients for psychological invention sessions.ARTICLE IVPROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGYSection 4. Creation and Composition of the Professional Regulatory panel of Psychology. There is hereby created a Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology, hereunder called the Board, a collegial body under the administrative control and supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, which shall be composed of a Chairperson and two (2) particles appointed by the President of the Philippines from a list of terce (3) nominees for each position. The list of nominees shall be submitted to the Commission by the integrated and accredited national organization of psychologists. The Board shall be organized not later than lx (60) long time from the effectivity of this Act. Section 5. Qualification of the Chairperson and the Members of the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology. The Chairperson and members of the Board shall, at the time of their appointment and for the course of their term, be in possession of the following qualifications (a) A natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines(b) At least thirty-five (35) long time of age(c) Possess good moral character(d) ask a doctorate stop in psychological science conferred by a university, college or school day in the Philippines or board duly recognized and/or accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) (e) Have at least ten (10) years of give in psychological science and psychometrics in a duly recognized institution, clinic or center, as well as at least (5) years of teaching experience in the empyrean of psychological science (f) Be a registered and licensed psychologists, except in the case of the first members of the Board who shall automatically be conferred a valid certificate of readjustmen t and a valid professional identification card in psychological science and psychometrics upon appointment to the Board (g) Is neither an officer, trustee nor member of the faculty of any university, college, institute or school where a regular course in psychology is offered or taught or review classes conducted and shall not have any monetary interest, direct or indirect, in any such institution(h) Is not an officer, nor hold any position other than being a member of the integrated and accredited national organization of psychologists and (i) Shall not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude. Section 6. Term of pip. The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of tether (3) years or until their successors shall have been appointed and duly equal. Each member of the Board whitethorn be reappointed for one (1) entire term of three (3) years. The first members of the Board shall hold office for the following terms the Chairperson for three (3) years one (10 member for two (2) years and the other member for one (1) year, which shall be specified in their respective appointments. either vacancy occurring within the term of a member shall be filled for the unexpired mint of the term only. Each member of the Board shall qualify by taking the strait-laced execration prior to the performance of his/her duties.Section 7. Powers and Duties. The Board shall have the following powers and duties (a) Administer and implement the provisions of this Act and promulgate as well as revise or update, as necessary, rules and regulations, resolutions and guidelines hereto Provided, That the policies, resolutions, rules and regulations issued or promulgated by the Board shall be strung-out to review and approval of the Commission (b) Supervise and monitor the modification, licensure and approach pattern of psychologists and Psychometricians in the Philippines (c) Administer hexs in connection with the administration of this Act (d) Issue, and upon entry with payable process requirements, suspend or revoke, and/or reinstate, the certificate of adaptation and professional identification card for psychologists and psychometricians (e) Adopt an official seal of the Board(f) Monitor the conditions and circumstances affecting the practice of psychology and psychometrics in the Philippines and adopt such measures as whitethorn be deemed lawful and proper for the sweetener and maintenance of high professional, ethical and technical standards of the profession (g) Issue permits to and exercise visitorial powers over agencies, institutions, associations and partnerships to verify that the persons practicing psychology and psychometrics therein be psychologists and psychometricians with valid certificates of registration and valid professional identification cards, and that they possess the necessary accreditation, accomplishments and/or facilities to competently carry out their functions (h) Assist the Commission in the formulation and implementation of the guidelines on continuing professional preparation for psychologists and psychometricians (i) Ensure, in coordination with the CHED, that all educational institutions offering the course/program of psychology strictly comply with the policies, standards and requirements prescribed by the CHED for such course/program, especially in the areas of administration, curriculum, faculty, library and facilities(j) Prepare, adopt, issue and amend, in consultation with the CHED, syllabi for the licensure interrogatory subjects (k) Investigate and, when warranted, her administrative cases involving violations of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations as hereinafter promulgated, and any applicable cipher of ethics and/or autograph of professional standards. For this purpose, it may issue subpoena testificandum and subpoena duces tecum to secure the appearances of witnesses and the production of documents in connection therewithProvided, That th e Boards decision, resolution or orders rendered in administrative cases shall be subject to review only on appealingness and (l) Perform such other functions and duties as may be law fully delegated to it, or as it may deem necessary to carry out the objectives of this Act.Section 8. Compensation and Allowances. The Chairperson and members of the Board shall receive the same compensation and allowances as those received by the Chairperson and members of the existing regulatory boards under the Commission, as provided in the charter of the Commission and in the General Appropriations Act. Section 9. Removal or Suspension of Members of the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology. Any member of the Board may, upon the recommendation of the Commission, upon observance of due process and completion of the proper investigation, be suspended or removed by the President from office for cause, such as gross neglect of duty, incompetence, malpractice, behavior unbecoming of a psycholo gy professional, immorality, unethical or dishonorable conduct, last-place conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude, any act of grant and corruption, and participation in the manipulation of or any dishonesty relative to the licensure examinations and/or the registration process.Section 10. Administrative Supervision over the Board, Custodian of its Records, Secretariat and Support Services. The Board shall be under the administrative supervision and control of the Commission. All records of the Board, including documents relative to the licensure examinations as well as administrative and other investigative cases conducted by the Board, shall be kept in the custody of the Commission. The Commission shall designate the Secretary of the Board and shall provide the secretariat with necessary support services to effectivity implement the provisions of this Act. ARTICLE VLICENSURE EXAMINATIONSSection 11. interrogative sentences Required. All applicants for registration to practice psychology and psychometrics shall be required to pass a licensure examination for psychologists and psychometricians to be conducted by the Board in such places and dates, and subject to such requirements prescribed by the Commission. Section 12. Qualifications of Applicants for the Licensure Examination for Psychologists. Any person may apply to take examination for registration and licensure as a psychologist after giveing evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant (a) Is a Philippine citizen, a permanent resident or a citizen of a impertinent state/country which extends reciprocity to the Philippines relative to the practice of the profession(b) Holds at least a masters stratum in psychology conferred by a university, college or school in the Philippines or abroad recognized/accredited by the CHED and has obtained sufficient credits for the subjects offered in the examinations (c) Has undergone a stripped-down of two hundred (200) hours of supervised p racticum/internship/clinical experience related to services enumerated in paragraph (b) of Section 3 of this Act and under the auspices of a licensed psychologist or other licensed mental health professional (d) Is of good moral character and(e) Has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude. Section 13. Qualifications of Applicants for the Licensure Examination for Psychometricians. Any person may apply to take the examination for registration and licensure as a psychometrician by furnishing evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant (a) Is a Filipino citizen, a permanent resident or a citizen of a overseas state/country which extends reciprocity to the Philippines relative to the practice of the profession (b) Holds at least a bachelors degree in psychology conferred by a university, college or school in the Philippines or abroad recognized/accredited by the CHED and has obtained sufficient credits for the subjects covered in the examinations (c) Is of good moral character and(d) Has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude. Section 14. Examination Subjects for Psychologists. The licensure examination for psychologists shall cover the following subjects (a) Advanced Theories of Personality(b) Advanced Abnormal Psychology(c) Advanced Psychological Assessment and(d) Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy.Section 15. Examination Subjects for Psychometricians. The licensure examinations for psychometricians shall cover the following subjects (a) Theories of Personality(b) Abnormal Psychology(c) Industrial Psychology and(d) Psychological Assessment.The Board may recluster, rearrange, modify, add or exclude and prescribed subjects for psychologists and psychometricians as the need arises. Section 16. Registration Without Examination for Psychologists. A person who possesses the qualifications required to take the examination for registration as a psychologist pursuant to the provisions of this Act may be regist ered without examination Provided, That the applicant files with the Board within three (3) years after its creation an application for registration and subject of certificate of registration and professional identification card by submitting credentials satisfactory to the Board that the applicant had, on or prior to the effectivity of this Act, fulfilled the requirements under either subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) herein (a) Obtained a doctoral degree in psychology and had accumulated three (3) years of work experience in the practice of psychology (b) Obtained a masters degree in psychology and accumulated a minimum of five (5) years of work experience in the practice of psychology(c) Psychologists or employees who hold positions as psychologists presently employed in various government or private agencies, who have a bachelors degree in psychology, accumulated a minimum of ten (10) years of work experience in the practice of psychology as a psychologist, and who have updated the ir professional education in various psychology-related functions. Section 17. Registration Without Examination for Psychometricians. A person who possesses the qualifications required to take the examination for registration as a psychometrician may be registered without examinationProvided, That the applicant files with the Board within three (3) years after its creation an application for registration and issuance of a certificate of registration and professional identification card by submitting credentials satisfactory to the Board that the applicant before the effectivity of this Act had obtained a bachelors degree in psychology and had accumulated a minimum of two (2) years full time work experience in the practice of psychometrics.Section 18. Ratings in the Examination. To be qualified as having passed the licensure examination for psychologists and psychometricians, a candidate must have obtained a weighted general fair of at least seventy-five percent (75%) for all su bjects, with no grade lower than sixty percent (60%) in any given subject. An examine who obtains a weighted general average of seventy-five percent (75%) or higher but obtains a rating below sixty percent (60%) in any given subject may retake such subjects within the next two (2) years, and upon obtaining a rating of at least seventy-five percent (75%) in each such subject, shall past be deemed to have passed the licensure examination. Section 19. Report of Ratings. The Board shall submit to the Commission an official report detailing the ratings obtained by each examine within ten (10) calendar days after the examination, un slight such period is extended for just cause.ARTICLE VIREGISTRATIONSection 20. Oath of Psychologists and Psychometricians. All successful examines qualified for registration and all qualified applicants for registration without examination shall be required to take an oath to uphold the profession before any member of the Board or any officer of the Commis sion authorized to administer oaths, prior to entering into the practice of psychology or psychometrics in the Philippines. Section 21. return of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. A certificate of registration and professional identification card shall be issued to all successful examines and registrants without examination upon compliance with all the legal requirements, including payment of fees, prescribed by the Commission.The certificate of registration shall bear the signature of the Chairperson of the Commission and members of the Board, indicating that the person keyd therein is entitled to practice the profession with all the privileges and concomitant responsibilities appurtenant thereto. The said certificate shall remain in full force and effect until suspended in accordance with this Act. A professional identification card bearing the registration number, date of issuance and validity term of three (3) years, duly sign-language(a) by t he Chairperson of the Commission, shall excessively be issued to every registrant who has paid the prescribed registration fee. Upon expiration of the professional identification card, the psychologist and psychometrician may renew the same upon proof of compliance with continuing education requirements prescribed by the Board and/or the Commission.Section 22. Disclosure of Registration Information. The psychologist or psychomitrician shall be required to indicate his/her registration and professional identification card number and date of issuance, the duration of validity, including the professional tax pass number on each document gestural, used or issued in connection with the practice of his/her profession. Section 23. Non-issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. The Board shall not register nor issue a certificate of registration or professional identification card to any person convicted of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude, has been found guilty by a judicial or other duly constituted tribunal of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or has been medically diagnosed to be of unsound mind.In the event of non-issuance of the certificate for any reason, the Board shall furnish the applicant a written statement setting forth the reasons for such denial, which statement shall be incorporated to the records of the Board. Section 24. Foreign Reciprocity. No foreigner shall be admitted to the psychology or psychometrics licensure examinations unless he/she proves that the country of which he/she is a citizen either (a) Admits Filipino citizens to the practice of psychology or psychometrics without need for registration and issuance of a certificate of registration/professional identification card (b) Allows Filipino citizens to practice psychology or psychometrics without restriction or (c) Allows Filipino citizens to practice the same after an examination on terms of strict and absolute equality with nationals of said country. Section 25. Practice through Special/ short-lived Permit. Special/temporary permits may be issued by the Board, subject to the approval by the Commission and payment of appropriate fees, to the following persons (a) Licensed psychologists or psychometricians from foreign countries/states who are internationally acknowledged specialists or outstanding experts in psychology or psychometrics Provided, That their services are important and necessary either due to the lack or inadequacy of available local specialists or experts or in recognition of their potential contribution to the promotion and advancement of the practice of psychology of psychometrics through transfer of technology (b) Licensed psychologists or psychometricians from foreign countries/states whose services shall be free and offered exclusively to indigent patients in a particular hospital, center or clinic and (c) Licensed psychologists or psychometricians from foreign countries/states employed as excha nge professors to teach psychology or psychometrics in schools, colleges, universities offering psychology or psychometrics courses or programs.The permit shall detail the conditions thereof which shall, among other things, include the effectivity period of not more than one (1) year subject to renewal and the specific place of practice such as the clinic, hospital, center, school, college, university offering the course of psychology or psychometrics. The Board, subject to the approval by the Commission, shall prescribed rules and regulations on the implementation of this particular section. Section 26. Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or Cancellation of a Special/ fugitive Permit. The Board shall have the power, after notice and hearing, to suspend or revoke the certificate of registration and professional identification card or to cancel special/temporary permits granted pursuant to this Act on any ground set forth in S ection 33 of this Act or any of the instances hereunder (a) Procurement of a certificate of registration and/or professional identification card or special/temporary permit by ruse or deceit(b) Allowing an unqualified person to advertise or to practice the profession by using ones certificate of registration or professional identification card or special/temporary permit (c) Violating or conspiring to violate any of the provisions of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, the code of ethics or code of professional standards promulgated hereinafter by the Board (d) Manifest physical or mental incompetence to render psychological services with reasonable skill and safety to his/her clients/patients (e) Professional misconduct or negligence in the performance of duties as a psychometrician and (f) Engaging in the practice of the profession during the period of ones suspension. Section 27. Reinstatement. A psychologist or psychometrician whose certificate of registration ha s been revoked may apply to the Board for reinstatement at any time after two (2) years from the date of revocation of said certificate.The application shall be in writing and shall conform to requirements hereinafter prescribed by the Board. No certificate of registration or professional identification card or special/temporary permit shall be reinstated unless the Board is satisfied that a good cause exists to warrant such reinstatement. Issuance of a new certificate of registration or professional identification card or special/temporary permit in property of one that has been lost, destroyed or mutilated shall be subject to applicable rules prescribed by the Commission.Section 28. Appeal from Judgement. The decision of the Board shall ipso facto become final fifteen (15) days from recognise of the decision by the respondent unless an appeal has been filed with the Commission within the same period. The Commissions decision on appeal may be further appealed before the Court Ap peals within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof. Section 29. Rights of the Respondent. The respondent psychologist or psychometrician shall have the right to be represented by counsel at all s smidgeones of the persist inings as well as to speedy disposition of his/her case. He/She shall have the right to bide witnesses against him/her in addition to such other rights guaranteed by the Constitution.ARTICLE VIIPRIVILEDGED COMMUNICATION AND PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATIONSection 30. Rights to Privilege Communication for Psychologists and Psychometricians. A psychologists or psychometrician cannot, without the consent of the client/patient, be examined on any communication or information disclosed and/or acquired in the course of giving psychological services to such client. The protection accorded herein shall extend to all pertinent records and shall be available to the secretary, clerk or other staff of the licensed psychologist or psychometrician. Any evidence obtained in violatio n of this provision shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding. Section 31. Integration of the Profession. The profession shall hereinafter be integrated by consolidating all practitioners into one (1) national organization of registered and licensed psychologists and psychometricians, which shall be recognized and accredited by the Board, subject to approval of the Commission. A psychologist or psychometrician duly registered and licensed by the Board and the Commission shall automatically become a member of said organization and shall receive the benefits and privileges, as well as be subject to all responsibilities and obligations, appurtenant thereto upon payment of the required fees and dues. Membership in the integrated organization shall not be a mensuration to membership in any other association of psychologists and/or psychometricians.1avvphi1 Section 32. encrypt of Ethics and Code of Practice for Psychologists and Psychometricians. The Board shall adopt and promulgated the Code of Ethics and Code of Practice for Psychometricians prescribed and issued by the accredited professional organization of psychologists.ARTICLE VIIIPROHIBITED ACTS, PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ACTSection 33. Prohibited Acts. (a) No person shall(1) Engage in the professional practice of psychology or psychometrics nor represent himself/herself as a professional practicing psychologist or psychometrician without a valid certificate of registration or valid professional identification card, or a valid special/temporary permit granted by the Board pursuant to this Act (2) Represent himself/herself to be a licensed and authorized practicing psychologist or psychometrician during the time that his/her certificate of registration has been suspended or revoked or professional identification card without being renewed, or special/temporary permit cancelled (3) Allow any other person to use his/her certificate of registration and professional identification card or special/temporary permit for any purpose, regardless of whether such enables the unqualified individual to engage in the practice of psychology or psychometrics (4) Use, exhibit and/or misrepresent as his/her own the certificate of registration and/or professional identification card or special/temporary permit of another and (5) Give any false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information to the Board on order to obtain a certificate of registration or professional identification card or special/temporary permit.(b) No corporation, partnership, association or entity shall operate a psychology or psychometrics office, center, clinic or otherwise engage in the practice or allow the practice of psychology or psychometrics within its exposit without securing a permit therefor from the Board. Such permit shall be issued only after the Board is satisfied that such establishment is competently staffed by a psychologist and equipped with sufficient and adequate psychology-related ins truments and facilities. (c)A violation of any provision of this Act or of its implementing rules and regulations shall be penalized accordingly.Section 34. Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this Act implementing rules and regulations shall be punished with imprisonment of not less than six (6) months but not more than three (3) years, or a fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court. Section 35. Injunction. The Board may instruct action to enjoin, restrain, and/or prosecute any individual, corporation, association, partnership or entity engaging in the practice of psychology and psychometrics in violation of this Act. Section 36. Enforcement. It shall be the duty of all duly constituted law enforcement agencies and officers of national, provincial, city or municipal governments to uphold and enforce the provisions of this Act and to investigate and pro secute or cause the investigation and prosecution of any person violating the same.ARTICLE IXMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSSection 37. Funding Provision. The Chairperson of the Commission shall immediately hereinafter include in the Commissions programs the prompt implementation of this Act, funding of which shall be provided for in the annual General Appropriations Act. Section 38. Implementing Rules and Regulations. Within ninety (90) days after the constitution of the Board, it shall promulgated the necessary implementing rules and regulations, subject to approval of the Commission, to implement the provisions of this Act. Section 39. Separability Clause. If any provision of this Act shall at any time be found to be unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder thereof not affected by such declaration shall remain in full force and effect. Section 40. Repealing Clause. All laws, decrees, rules or regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. Section 41. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its complete publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation. Approved,(Sgd.) PROSPERO C. NOGRALESSpeaker of the sign of Representatives (Sgd.) JUAN PONCE ENRILE President of the Senate This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 3498 and House Bill No. 6512 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on December 14, 2009 and December 16, 2009, respectively.(Sgd.) MARILYN B. BARUA-YAPSecretary GeneralHouse of Represenatives (Sgd.) EMMA LIRIO-REYESSecretary of SenateApproved March 16, 2010(Sgd.) GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYOPresident of the PhilippinesThe Lawphil Project Arellano Law FoundationOnline Application for Registration Without ExaminationThis facility is for the exclusive use of applicants for registration without examination and is available up to * May 21, 2015 for Psychologists and Psychometricians* May 21, 2014 for Respiratory Therapi stsPlease read carefully the entire instructions and information provided below so you will be guided properly on the procedures, requirements and timetables for registration without examination. 1. Before submitting an application for registration without examination, the applicant must a. Decide what the application for registration without examination is for (whether for Psychologist or Psychometrician or both, or for Respiratory Therapist). Separate forms and payment will be required for each application. b. ready whether applicant satisfies the qualification standards for Psychologist, Psychometrician, or Respiratory Therapist c. Determine if applicant can satisfy all the documentary requirements within 15 days from the time of online application. The documentary requirements for Psychologist, Psychometrician, or Respiratory Therapist are provided hereunderFor Psychologist1. master copy and Photo re-create of Certificate of Live Birth in NSO Security Paper for Filipino citize ns. In case of a foreign citizen, a copy of the law of the state or country which permits Filipino Psychologists to practice on the same basis as its subject or citizens, duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate therein. 2. first and bolt out of Marriage Certificate in NSO security paper (for espouse female only) 3. accepted and photocopy of Transcript of Records with scanned feeling and with the Special Order Number indicated (for both undergraduate and graduate degrees). Where school is exempted from the issuance of an SO, a certificate of authentication and validation (CAV) must be secured from CHED. 4. For those who do not have a masters degree, a certified true copy of of at least 100 hours of updating seminars and workshops attended from June 2005 to June 2010 must be presented/submitted5. Original Certificates of Practice/Work Experience(s) a. Certificate of Employment from immediate superior duly noted by either the HR Manager or Employer specifying the position title, nature of work and specific period of employment duly sworn in by the issuing authorities. Official Job Description signed by the HR Manager must be attached, and for government employees, the official service record specifying the position item must also be submitted. b. For those who are self-employed, applicant must submit the following 1. Certificate of private practice from colleagues, professional partners and/or institutional clients, specifying the nature of work/services rendered and the duration thereof, duly sworn in and notarized under oath 2. Work contract(s), if any, and/or sworn in statement of the practitioner specifying the nature, scope and duration of project engagement or services rendered, and the regularity of service-delivery with the undertaking that documentary evidence will be produced when required by the Board 3. Business permit and DTI registration6. Three (3) Original Certificates of Good Moral Character from any of the following school , employer, church, and/or Barangay Captain duly signed by issuing authority and notarized under oath 7. Original Certificate of Mental Health or Mental Fitness from a Psychiatrist or from a Registered/Certified Clinical Psychologist, duly signed and notarized under oath 8. Original and photocopy of valid NBI Clearance plus Ombudsman clearance for government employees 9. Two (2) colored passport-size picture with white background and complete name tag10. Photocopy of Community Tax CertificateFor Psychometrician11. Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth in NSO security paper for Filipino citizens. In case of a foreign citizen, a copy of the law of the state or country which permits Filipino Psychometricians to practice on the same basis as its subject or citizens, duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate therein. 12. Original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate in NSO security paper (for married female only) 13. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records for Bachelors Degree in Psychology (AB/BS) with scanned picture. Special Order Number must be indicated. Where school is exempted from the issuance of an SO, a certificate of authentication and validation (CAV) must be secured from CHED.14. Original certificate of full-time work experience as a Psychometrician or full time work engagement in the practice of psychometrics for a minimum of 2 years, either from immediate superior (if employed) or from institutional clients, professional partners/colleagues (if on private practice), specifying the nature of work, duly sworn in and notarized under oath. Official job description must be attached. 15. Original and photocopy of valid NBI Clearance plus Clearance from the Ombudsman for those in government service. 16. Three (3) original Certificates of Good Moral Character, from any of the following school/former professor, employer, church, and/or Barangay Captain duly signed by issuing authority and notarized under oath 17. Two (2 ) colored passport-size pictures with white background and complete name tag 18. Photocopy of Community Tax CertificateFor Respiratory Therapist19. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth in NSO security paper 20. Original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate in NSO security paper (for married female only) 21. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records (with scanned picture) indicating the Special Order (SO) number, and where the school is exempted from the issuance of an SO, a Certificate of Authentication and Validation (CAV) from the CHED 22. Original and photocopy of NBI Clearance23. Original Ombudsman Clearance (for government employee) 24. Three (3) Certificates of Good Moral Character, preferably from school, employer, church or barangay captain, duly signed by the issuing authority and duly notarized under oath 25. Two (2) colored passport-size pictures with white background and complete name tag 26. Community Tax Certificate27. Certificate of Employment, S ervice Record and Job DescriptionFor academic practitionersc. Certificate of Employment and Service Record duly signed under oath and sealed by the Human Resources Department d. Certification of subjects taught in the last ten (10) years duly signed under oath and sealed by the Dean of the college, or his/her equivalent, and the schools RegistrarFor clinical practitionerse. Certificate of Employment and Service Record duly signed under oath and sealed by the Human Resources Department and Medical Director f. Copy of the Job Description duly signed under oath and sealed by the Human Resources DepartmentFor home care clinical practitionersg. Certificate of Employment and Service Record duly signed under oath and sealed by the Human Resources Department and the General Manager (or his/her equivalent) h. Copy of the Job Description duly signed under oath and sealed by the Human Resources Department and the General Manager (or his/her equivalent)NOTE For applicants working abroad, the re quired documents must be certified by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office near the place of work. 2.3. As soon as applicant has ascertained (1) which registration without examination to apply for (as Psychologist, Psychometrician or both, or as Respiratory Therapist) (2) that he/she satisfies the qualification requirements and (3) can satisfy all the documentary requirements within the time stated, the applicant is ready to proceed to submit his/her application online. 4. After receiving an acknowledgement through applicants email that the application for registration without examination has been submitted successfully together with an order form for payment, applicant must follow the steps hereunderd. On the assigned date, applicant must go to the Customer Service Center of the nearest PRC office and secure one (1) P15 metered documentary stamp. augment the documentary stamp on the space provided in the application form, sign it and indicate the date when the application form was accomplished. Applicant can then proceed to the cashiers window for the payment of the application/processing fee (P900.00 for each application to be processed). e. Submit a copy of the official receipt (OR) evidencing payment together with the duly accomplished application form and documents to 1. For Psychologist and Psychometrician Window 12, Application Division at the Ground Floor of PRC Main mental synthesis 2. For Respiratory Therapist PRB Secretariat Office, 3rd Floor of PRC Main Building 3. PRC Regional OfficesSubmit all required documents in a clear book with the confirmation number and official notice of submission from the PRB on the first page, a table of contents on the second, the printed application form on the third page, and the rest of the documents in subsequent pages arranged according to the list provided.The application processor will conduct an initial screening of the application documents and should inform the applicant of any deficiency at this time. A pplicant should receive a claim stub after initial screening is done. a. After receipt by PRC of applicants documents, he/she should wait for official notification from PRC through his/her email account. Applicant is also advised to read the PRC website regularly to check whether the application has been approved or call tel. no. 3101018 to inquire about the status of application.I have read and fully understood the instructions and I fully agree with the terms and conditions governing the Professional Regulation Commissions application for registration without examination.
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